You've probably noticed a pretty big change around here -- the blog has a new name! I've thought about changing the name of the blog for a long time. Vintage Pretties was a good name for the blog when I started it eleven years (!) ago. However, I think that the name should reflect what the blog is now -- about my love of vintage but also about so much more. Why Number Nineteen, though? The number 19 has always been my lucky number -- I was born on the nineteenth and Chanel No 19 is my perfume.
The new name goes with a big announcement -- I'm opening a new shop on Etsy -- Number Nineteen Vintage!
Number Nineteen Vintage grew out of two of my loves -- for England and antiques. About two years ago, a germ of an idea came to me -- how could I combine those two things? Two years of planning, dreaming, sourcing stock and working hard are about to come to fruition on October 1st, when the shop is launched. I am so excited about this venture -- it truly is a labor of love.
What will you find at Number Nineteen Vintage? Here are a few sneak peeks...
Antique English crocks
Beautiful ironstone pieces
Scottish tartans
English Transferware
English cottage style art
Coronation Memorabilia
All of these things and much more. The shop will officially open on October 1st at To see more of what is in store, follow me on Instagram for previews and an exciting giveaway! I do hope that you'll stop by!