It looks like spring weather is finally here for good! It was warm enough this weekend to take walks and do yard work. Our grape hyacinths are coming up and tulip leaves are showing their faces. Before we know it, the roses and peonies will be in bloom. Color is coming back to the world! Here is what has caught my fancy this month....
Amazing Miniatures - I was puttering around Pinterest and saw this adorable cottage bedroom. I followed the link to the original website and found out that it's a miniature! Can you believe it? I checked out the artist's Flickr account and found photos of hundreds of her miniature room creations. The dolls in some of the pictures kind of freak me out, but the rooms are amazing! I could spend hours checking out all of the details -- so true to life! The artist's name is Nerea Pozo.
The Durrells in Corfu - I'm totally late to the game on this one, as it originally aired on PBS last year, but I've been loving The Durrells in Corfu. It's the story of a quirky English family that, depressed with gray 1930s England, picks up and moves to Corfu. The widowed mother has no means of income, her children are self absorbed and there are plenty of interesting locals. I wasn't sure about it at first, but after the second episode, I fell in love with the characters and all of their foibles. I found out that it's based upon the real family of author Lawrence Durrell and naturalist Gerry Durrell.
Grocery Stores Through the Decades -Haha, the photo above caught my eye in this photo story because when I was really little, I remember women in stores with their hair in curlers. I guess that the reasoning was that it didn't matter as long as their husband/boyfriend didn't see them??? In any case, the article is full of fun pictures of grocery stores from the past.
Hilarious Facebook Post From the Baltimore Police - OK, I realize that seeing a picture of a gun on my monthly run-down is definitely unusual. But, this Facebook post from the Baltimore Police Department is pure internet gold. Their headlines said "Officers Arrest Man With Loaded Gun During Traffic Stop". One wouldn't expect that the weapon in question was from the Civil War....! The commenters ran with it and I was laughing so hard, I had tears running down my face. One example: "When you're a gangsta AND a Civil War re-enactor, but can only afford one gun." !
That's it for this month. I hope that spring has arrived wherever you are!